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European greenfinch on a black metal base

Real stuffed European greenfinch on a black metal base. Rare piece of taxidermy made according the current taxidermy standards. The bird (15 cm) is treated against insect damage and has a closed footring.

The greenfinch lives in woodland edges, farmland hedges and gardens with relatively thick vegetation are favoured for breeding. It nests in trees or bushes, laying 3 to 6 eggs. Incubation lasts about 13–14 days, by the female. The male feeds her at the nest during this period. Chicks are covered with thick, long, greyish-white down at hatching. They are fed on insect larvae by both adults during the first days, and later, by a frequently regurgitated yellowish paste made of seeds. They leave the nest about 13 days later, but they are not able to fly. Usually, they fledge 16–18 days after hatching.

H 32 cm               W 11 cm              D 13,5 cm

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